Dutch Permanent GNSS Array (DPGA)

The Dutch Permanent GPS Array (DPGA) consists of about 18 continuously operating GPS (and GLONASS) receivers in the Netherlands and a data and computing centre. The main purpose of the network is to to provide GNSS data to the International GNSS Service (IGS), EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN), EUMETNET GPS water vapour programme (E-GVAP), and other national and international projects, and to facilitate research and educational applications.

Latest news

Tuesday 23 April, 2024, IGRS (Integrated Geodetic Reference Station) STWK was installed at the AWZI Stolwijk. The GNSS measurements started on Tuesday 21 May, 2024. The antenna is a Septentrio chokering antenna, the receiver is a PolaRx5, operated by TU Delft, providing high-rate data files every 15 minutes (1 sec), and hourly (30 sec) and daily (30 sec) RINEX files. STWK is the third IGRS station in the "Groene Hart" (English: Green Heart) rural area in the middle of the "Randstad" megapolis. The two other IGRS stations are CBW1 (Cabauw) and ZEGV (Zegveld). [21 May 2024]

Thursday 7 December, 2023, the old Dorne Margolin T antenna at Westerbork (WSRT00NLD and WSRA00NLD) was replaced. The new antenna is a Leica AR25.R4 with LEIT radome capable of tracking on all frequencies. To fit the new antenna a new adapter was installed: as a consequence, the antenna height changed! At the same time, the WSRA00NLD was replaced by a Trimble Alloy. The WSRT00NLD receiver, a PolaRx5, was not changed. Both receivers operate on an external frequency (H-MASER) and track all available systems and signals. [8 Dec 2023]

Tuesday 4 July, 2023, a new continuous operating GNSS receiver, VBZH00NLD, in Valkenburg(ZH), was added to the network. The GNSS station is located at Unmanned Valley on the former Vliegkamp Valkenburg. Unmanned Valley, an initiative of Delft University of Technology and the municipality of Katwijk, is a field lab for sensor related technologies and applications. The antenna is a Topcon Chokering, which is installed on a short mast on the roof of a building. The receiver is a PolaRx5. Data is available every 15 minutes (1 sec), hourly (30 sec) and daily (30 sec), and as RTCM-3 MSN7 nrtip datastream with mountpoint VBZH00NLD0. The station is funded by the "Subsidy Scheme for Support of Innovative Companies in the Unmanned Systems Sector UMV" (in Dutch: "Subsidieregeling Ondersteuning innovatieve bedrijven unmanned systems sector UMV"), which has been made possible by the municipality of Katwijk and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The site is provided by the Dutch Central Government Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgoedbedrijf) and Unmanned Valley. [14 July 2023]

Friday 21 April, 2023, a continuous operating GNSS receiver MASL00NLD was installed at the tide gauge in Maassluis. The antenna is a Septentrio chokering antenna, installed on a short mast. The receiver is a PolaRx5 operated by TU Delft. Data is provided every 15 minutes (1 sec), hourly (30 sec) and daily (30 sec). This is the last in a series of tide gauges that have been equiped with GNSS recently. The site is provided by RWS and Hoogheemraadschap Delfland, the antenna and receiver hardware is property of TU Delft. [28 April 2023]

February 6th, 2023, two new IGRS (Integrated Geodetic Reference Station) PBCM and PBLB have been installed in Plombières, Belgium, by the Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL), Université de Liège. The GNSS data is retrieved and managed by TUD on a daily basis, providing data in daily RINEX 3 with a 10 and 30 second sample rate. The two IGRS in Plombières are about 250 m apart on a NE/SW line, and close to the - also recently installed - IGRS in Epen, Netherlands, 3.4 km to the NW, thus forming a small local co-located GNSS and InSAR monitoring network. [3 April 2023]

older news items...

GNSS Local Data Center Delft (GNSS-LDC-Delft)

The local data center in Delft provides data for the first order GNSS infrastructure in the Netherlands. The station setup and data is conform international standards. The stations fullfill different purposes: some of them are active reference stations (AGRS.NL), of which several are co-located with tide gauges along the North Sea coast, others are Integrated Geodetic Reference Station (IGRS) equiped corner reflectors for InSAR. Several stations are part of international networks, such as the International GNSS Service (IGS), Euref Permanent GNSS Network (EPN), and others; the data for these stations is forwarded to regional and global data centers

Ameland Apeldoorn Cabauw Zegveld Delft Eijsden Epen Eindhoven Kootwijk Rouveen Schiermonnikoog Terschelling Texel Ijmuiden Vlieland Vlissingen Westerbork Delfzijl Den_Helder Harlingen Hoek_van_Holland Maassluis Valkenburg_ZH Plombieres Singapore Stolwijk Click on a station to view station info.
[station information table]

Information on the stations, availability, latency, completeness, data quality and the data itself can be obtained from the following links

High-rate, hourly and daily RINEX data from the Dutch Permanent GPS Array are available through through the data download (calendar) button above, directory tree (http://gnss1.tudelft.nl/dpga/rinex) and anonymous ftp (ftp://gnss1.tudelft.nl):
Download daily RINEX files (30 sec) [ http | ftp ]
Download hourly RINEX files (30 and/or 10 sec) [ http | ftp ]
Download high-rate RINEX files (1 sec) [ http | ftp ]
The RINEX-3 files use long file names like DLF100NLD_20160610000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz. For dates before March 1, 2022, data is (also) available in the legacy RINEX-2 format, these files use the old naming style with short names like dlf10610.16d.Z. Furthermore, highrate and hourly RINEX-3 data from before January 1, 2016, have been packed in daily zip files like DLF100NLD_2015256UUUU_01H_10S_MO.crx.zip and DLF100NLD_2015256UUUU_15M_01S_MO.crx.zip that can be found in the regular hourly and highrate RINEX repositories.

Many receivers are streaming data using the NTRIP protocol, either in RTCM-3, RAW data format, or both. For the NTRIP source table and mount points see

NTRIP source table (http://gnss1.tudelft.nl:2101).

Tracking statistics for the legacy RINEX-2 files can be still be found on the teqc legacy RINEX2 statistics page. Receiver specific raw data files are available from within the Internet domain of the Delft University of Technology and for authorized users (who need to login using a username and password), and non-anonymous ftp.

Real-time data streams

Several receivers are currently streaming data using the NTRIP protocol, either in RAW data format, RTCM, or both. For the NTRIP source table see

NTRIP source table (http://gnss1.tudelft.nl:2101)
The naming convention for the mountpoints is
<STA4>0: RTCM 3.1
<STA4>00NLD0: RTCM 3.2/3.3 with MSM7 messages
<STA4>00NLD1: RAW data in the receiver proprietary format
The station coordinates in the RTCM messages are in ETRF2000, at epoch 2013-07-02 12:00, see the coordinates and velocities page for more information.

For more information on the data streams in general and their usage see the websites of EUREF real-time, NTRIP, Global list of real-time GNSS data streams from NTRIP and NASA Global Differential GPS system (GDGPS).

Coordinates and velocities

When it comes to coordinates and velocities of the GNSS reference stations there is not a single solution. Coordinates and velocities in various reference frames can be found coordinates and velocities page, with a short explanation.

Contributing networks

The stations are operated by the Delft University of Technology (DEOS) and its partners. The Active GPS Reference System for the Netherlands (AGRS.NL) is a subnet of the DPGA, and NTUS is operated jointly by DEOS and the Singapore Land Authority. More information on the contributing subnetworks and related applications is available on separate pages.

An overview of Permanent GNSS reference stations in the Netherlands is available from here.

For more information or questions contact Hans van der Marel.