Dutch Permanent GNSS Array (DPGA)

Station Coordinates

When you are going to use the data as reference station you will need accurate coordinates for the station marker, at the epoch of measurement, and in a well defined reference frame. The coordinates given in the RINEX headers are only approximate coordinates and should not be used, except for selection and plotting purposes. When it comes to coordinates there is not a single solution.

First, you have to decide for which reference system and reference frame you want to have coordinates for. There are broadly two options: a global or a regional reference frame.

The International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) provides a global reference frame (ITRF). Station coordinates in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) at the epoch of measurement can be computed as follows

X(t) = X(t0) + V(t0) * (t - t0)
with X(t0) and V(t0) the ITRF coordinates and velocities at the reference epoch t0. Velocities, which are of the order of a few centimeter per year, are the result of tectonic plate motion. Different realizations of ITRF are available, indicated by ITRF<year>, with slightly different coordinates and velocities. This is because of continuous improvements in the realization of the reference frame and new measurements that become available. The most recent realization of ITRS is ITRF2014 and IGS14, which is a special variant ITRF2014 that is used for GNSS.

When you are looking for coordinates that don't change much over time the solution you probably want to use a regional reference frame. For Europe this is the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89). ETRS89 moves along with the Eurasian tectonic plate. Velocities in ETRS89 are therefore much smaller than velocities in ITRF (often less than a few millimeters per year) and are only due to intra-plate motion and autonomous station motion. For most applications velocities in ETRS89 can be neglected. Coordinates in ETRS89 are also improved on a continuous basis, due to improvements in the measurement and analysis techniques, the underlying models that are used, and growing amount of data. These improvements are captured in different realizations (releases) of ETRS89, such as ETRF2000 and ETRF2014.

Coordinates and velocities in ETRS89 (ETRF2000, ETRF2014) and ITRS (ITRF2000, IGS14) can be found on the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) website Positions & Velocities page:

Please note that positions and velocities are only available for stations that are processed by IGS and EPN analysis centers. Solutions for more ITRF reference frames can be found at the ITRF solutions website.

The Dutch Kadaster provides official coordinates, in ETRF2000(R05) at epoch 2010.5, for all AGRS.NL stations. These are the coordinates that should be used for land surveying activities in the Netherlands. These are also the coordinates that are used in the RTCM data streams. The coordinates in ETRF2000(R05), at epoch 2010.5, are

   STATION NAME           X (M)          Y (M)          Z (M)

   AMEL 13540M001     3787664.3131    382392.2606   5100339.6132
   APEL 13510M001     3895237.0713    406814.3176   5017378.0589
   DELF 13502M004     3924687.7018    301132.7660   5001910.7746
   DLF1 13502M009     3924698.1158    301124.8036   5001904.9952
   EIJS 13533M001     4023086.5325    400394.8618   4916655.3315
   IJMU 13537M001     3882053.2726    309346.2061   5034330.2263
   KOS1 13504M005     3899613.9607    397361.6230   5014738.6348
   SCHI 13541M001     3782171.4282    408355.7860   5102376.9334
   TERS 13534M001     3798580.8745    346993.8452   5094780.8097
   TXE2 13542M001     3829292.8723    324999.2444   5073333.5276
   VLIE 13539M001     3805256.1488    339064.9340   5090357.9072
   VLIS 13538M001     3975805.2237    249950.0825   4964446.0875
   WSRA 13506M005     3828736.1381    443304.7367   5064884.5110
   WSRT 13506M005     3828736.1381    443304.7367   5064884.5110
These coordinates have been computed using a multi year time series analysis solution. If you need coordinates in ITRF then you can use the EPN ETRF/ITRF transformation service.

Stations that have been realized recently, for example the IGRS stations in CBW1, ZEGV and ROVN, are not available from the multi-year solutions. For these stations, provisional coordinates in ETRS2000, are

   STATION NAME           X (M)          Y (M)          Z (M)   

   CBW1 13536M001     3923113.3483    338135.2474   5000752.2147 
   ZEGV 13543M001     3908910.3663    330932.7742   5012262.5786
   ROVN 13544M001     3859571.8076    413007.6749   5044091.5729
These coordinates have been computed using the Kadaster certification procedure (CBW1) or by a multi-day PPP solution (ZEGV).

If you need coordinates for stations not listed in one of these resources you can always compute the coordinates on-line using on of the available web-based PPP processing services.

In case you want coordinates in WGS84 then it becomes a bit tricky. Although WGS84 is alligned with ITRF at the decimeter level, it is not identical to any of the afore mentioned reference frames. Often, WGS84 is used as an encompassing term for ITRF or ETRS89, which is certainly okay at the meter level accuracy, but not specific enough for the centimeter and decimeter type of applications. Should you ever be in doubt about which reference frame to use, and your area of interest is the Netherlands, then most likely it is ETRF2000 and you should use the coordinates published by the Dutch Kadaster. If this is not the case, and you are using data from more than one station, please make sure that all coordinates refer to the same reference frame.

Station Velocities

The in the previous section mentioned resources also provide velocities. An other resource for station velocities is the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory, and velocities computed by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), both in the IGS08 (ITRF2008) reference frame.

The Dutch Kadaster computes velocities for AGRS.NL stations in the ETRF2000(R05) reference frame:


   AMEL       +0.3    +0.4    -2.4   
   APEL       -0.2    -0.8    -0.4   
   DELF       -0.2    -0.6    -0.2   
   DLF1       +0.1    +0.1    -2.2   
   EIJS       -0.0    -0.8    +1.1   
   IJMU       -0.1    -0.2    -0.9   
   KOS1       +0.3    -0.2    -2.6   
   SCHI       -0.6    -0.2    -3.0  
   TERS       -1.3    +0.3    -0.0   
   TXE2       -0.1    -0.1    -1.8  
   VLIE       -0.8    -0.4    -3.9   
   VLIS       -0.7    +0.4    -0.1   
   WSRA       +0.6    -0.6    -0.1   
   WSRT       +0.6    -0.6    -0.1   

Station Timeseries

Station time series are available for various resources:

For more information or questions contact Hans van der Marel.