The tracking status pages contain information on the performance of the GNSS station.
An example of a tracking status file with a brief explanation of the contents is given below.
This example covers hourly files with a 10 second data interval. The expected number of epochs is therefore 360. Daily files with 30 second interval are very similar, the expected number of epochs is then 2880.
In this example there is clearly a problem at the start of the period. Several files are missing, and the first one on the list starts later than expected. This is indicated by a status code(**) of 32. The last file in the list has a higher for the L1 pseudo-range (mp1) than expected. The status code (**) is therefore raised to 8. However, this does not mean that the data is bad and that the file cannot be processed.
For more information or questions contact Hans van der Marel.